Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Contemporary Aboriginal Art for Gallery in Newtown

One would not normally consider Aboriginal art being at home in a modern community such as Newtown, however by presenting work of a more contemporary nature, I hope to blend the 2 worlds, through the use of a gallery presenting Contemporary Aboriginal Art, with an interesting interior, strong use of natural light and suggested progression through the use of architectonic elements.

The main elements of Aboriginal Art come down to strong, simplified symbology, the use of natural colours (however, with contemporary art, more people are adapting to acrylic paints, and thus producing works within a larger colour range. Dots, simple geometric circles and rough lines also feature in most paintings.

Thusly, I am to design a gallery with a simple, blended facade so that the building fits in with its surroundings, but on the interior, create a much more interesting space, with the use of a column elemnt which will repeat itself, mimicing the use of dots in the contemporary aboriginal art, forming the walls and pathways through the building. I plan on using mostly natural materials, and entirely natural light, as this mimics the aboriginal artworks. Wood, and earthly colours will be used.

Examples of art are as follows: http://www.arltungaart-aboriginalart.com/fay.php

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