Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Final Presentation

My proposal for site 1 in Newtown drew strong influences from contemporary aboriginal art. Its long thin layout leads to linear progression through the site, with interesting spaces being created by tall logs made of local wood materials. This reference to the natural world will enhance the display of aboriginal art, by focussing on the earthern colours, and drawing links between the urban environment, the art, and the natural land.

By having a roof which is constructed of 2 large, long skylights, broken up by a panel dividing the roof down the middle, allowing natural light to enter the building and light the spaces in a consistent manner, while maintaining temperature by creating shaded spaces on the interior, preventing any artwork from being destroyed by the light.

The space on the upper floor consists of naturally formed pillars of wood, spaced randomly throughout the upper floor. This gives a natural feel to the space, allowing the art to be exhibited in an environment similar to what it is representing.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Contemporary Aboriginal Art for Gallery in Newtown

One would not normally consider Aboriginal art being at home in a modern community such as Newtown, however by presenting work of a more contemporary nature, I hope to blend the 2 worlds, through the use of a gallery presenting Contemporary Aboriginal Art, with an interesting interior, strong use of natural light and suggested progression through the use of architectonic elements.

The main elements of Aboriginal Art come down to strong, simplified symbology, the use of natural colours (however, with contemporary art, more people are adapting to acrylic paints, and thus producing works within a larger colour range. Dots, simple geometric circles and rough lines also feature in most paintings.

Thusly, I am to design a gallery with a simple, blended facade so that the building fits in with its surroundings, but on the interior, create a much more interesting space, with the use of a column elemnt which will repeat itself, mimicing the use of dots in the contemporary aboriginal art, forming the walls and pathways through the building. I plan on using mostly natural materials, and entirely natural light, as this mimics the aboriginal artworks. Wood, and earthly colours will be used.

Examples of art are as follows:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Architectural Narrative

Woman holding a balance - Johannes Vermeer (Dutch, 1632-1675)

Brief Analysis/ideas____
Light entering through the window softly illuminates the room, leading the eye from the window, down to the figures hand, up the body and out to the balance. The hand holding the balance, located directly at the vanishing point of the painting forms a strong link between the straight edges and the human element. behind the figure is located a painting of the last supper, which brings in strong allegorical meanings to the painting. the relationship between religion in the background, and then at the fulcrum of the painting, a woman balancing what is seemingly nothing but light. this suggests that the woman is using the balance as a spiritual measure, judging things which can not be seen. this idea is further reinforced by the position of the mirror, on the edge of the painting, foreground to the window. the use of colour to suggest materials is most obvious in the material of the curtain, casting a soft yellow glow over the scene, and obscuring the light at certain points where the material is thickest. also important is the gentle, elegant dress of the woman - the white hood suggesting her purity and goodness, and as such, a suitable judge of things beyond the physical realm.

The window, despite being hidden, plays a vital part in illuminating the scene and drawing our attention to parts of the painting.


Her finger forms the balance, judging the invisible.
Her presence links the physical to the meta-physical.
Judgment defined her life, creating balance in all that she touched.

Design Concepts____
Balanced spaces.
"Purity" in design --> from the white hood (reinforces religious aspect)
Lighting reinforces this purity, symmetrical windows.
Detail the walls, relating spaces with windows and lighting
Single entrance, allowing gentle progression through the buliding, similar to the light bathing the wall in the painting.

steven holl - st. ignatius chapel in seattle

Assignment 1 Submission - Poche

Assignment 1 Submission - Diagrams





Assignment 1 Submission - Model Photos